After acknowledging that this problem has existed for at least 4 years- this is the best our local government could come up with - allocating $ 25,000 regarding this issue?
Flooding problems appear to be a much more serious issue than say, what window treatments residents might choose or be able to afford.
Without the help of any scientific research, we will hazard a guess that there are more residents whose houses are inundated with water and/or sewage than those worrying about their neighbor’s window coverings.
The council recently touted their window treatment legislation calling this a “strong law.” We are unaware of a rampant predicament in this city regarding inappropriate window coverings. We must question the effectiveness of the Administration and City Council to work together, when more time is spent on such trivial matters, when other issues require more attention, and in a quicker fashion.
If a substantial amount of South Euclid’s infrastructure is in need of repair or replacement, our local government should give us the straight story once and for all, and stop delaying the inevitable.
Perhaps some of the TAX INCREASE from 2005 could have been used for this instead of raises across the board.
As usual, these people who we look to as leaders have come up woefully short; and once again choose to use the word LEGAL to justify their questionable maneuvers.
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