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Saturday, December 27, 2014

Connect The Dots – Reveal The Lies

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From the article above:  "South Euclid Mayor Georgine Welo's son hired by law firm that works for city" - November 25, 2014

  • ...the Mayor said Mansour Gavin will not work on any new business "to avoid any perceived appearance of impropriety or legal conflicts.  It is the right thing to do to protect the integrity of the City and the residents we serve."

From the above article, "South Euclid Law Director Michael Lograsso owes thousands in delinquent federal income taxes" - December 17, 2014

  • …Before he was hired as law director in 2004, Lograsso was the South Euclid city prosecutor for eight years and spent 14 years as a South Euclid police officer.  His established rapport with city employees helped him improve labor relations, he said.  “I was probably perfectly positioned to do that because everybody knows me, Lograsso said.  “I have a history here, and they trust me, and we have very good labor relations now.”  Lograsso also said he negotiated $10 million worth of real estate deals for the city’s reconstruction of Cedar Center North.

Video below:  February 22, 2012 - City of South Euclid Budget Hearings. 

Michael P. Lograsso, South Euclid Law Director:

  • “…Contract negotiations, once again we have collective bargaining agreements being negotiated this year.  It was the decision of the Mayor and the Finance Director and everyone on the Chiefs to engage some outside counsel, which we brought in Mansour Gavin to assist us because we anticipated some hard negotiations which is coming true…”

  • “…Prior to last year we used to pay Jon Bauman out of the outside legal expenses as well…Jon Bauman is a consultant that we retained on a retainer basis to help us with economic development issues, mostly Cedar Center.  He was actually an employee of the original developer Caitlin Properties back in ’04 and ’05 when they were going to do Cedar Center.  The city has used his service and he’s been a great help to us negotiating with GFS, Bob Evans, Coral and Deville…”

  • time:  8 min. 18 sec.

Video below:  February 27, 2012 -  SEOversight asks questions about legal spending.

Dave Furry, South Euclid Oversight:

  • “…In that budget hearing the Law Director said that the city hired out Mansour Gavin to negotiate with the police and fire unions and the service department untion.  And that also he stated that in the Cedar Center negotiations instead of the Law Director doing the work a gentleman named Jon Bauman I believe…”

  • “…I’m wondering if he doesn’t negotiate with the unions and he doesn’t negotiate for Cedar Center, I’m wondering how he racks-up these kinds of fees? And I’m wondering if someone could provide me some insight on how I can find out what he does in order to make his money?”

  • time:  2 min. 59 sec.

Video below:

Ed Icove, Councilman Ward 3:
“There’s not a scintilla of evidence that I should be censured for doing anything.  I’m going to read to you the Ohio Public Meeting exception.  This section shall be liberally construed to require public officials to take official action and conduct all deliberations on official business only in public meetings unless the subject matter is specifically exempted…”
“…Miles is a great guy.  As a matter of fact before he worked for Mr. Coyne, he worked for me.  And then he went from my law firm he went to Mr. Coyne’s law firm over a year and a half ago…”
“…The fact that Miles Welo worked for a company that does business with the city means that’s a matter of public interest.  Therefore that discussion should be a public discussion.  It should have been disclosed a year and a half ago publicly if it was going to be disclosed.  Mr. Coyne disclosed it 3 days before the executive session by letter to the Law Director and that letter was a public record.  I asked for it, I got it.  Ok?  Anybody who wants it can have it.  As a matter of fact we all got one.  Therefore, this was not a matter that should have been discussed in executive session…”
“…The fact that the Mayor’s son works for a law firm that’s done hundreds of thousands of dollars with our city -  not a couple thousand – hundreds of thousands.  As a matter of fact he’s here tonight so we can go into executive session and talk about collective bargaining…”
“…I read the article afterwards.  I never talked to Sara Dorn but I read the article afterwards.  The Mayor speaking through the law director said she was going to make the matter public…”
“…The Mayor knows it’s a matter of public interest and she was going to disclose it because it was the right thing to do.  Unfortunately, she should have disclosed it a year and a half ago if she wanted to publicly disclose it.  But she decided to disclose it at that particular time.  This is a big mistake.  And you all can do what you want to do as far as this is concerned.  We can do as far as litigation is concerned.  I want to tell you, in my tenure on Council I’ve never seen anything like this before.  Especially this last minute superficial way of bringing it out.  So that we can’t discuss this issue publicly.  And so that the public doesn’t have input into this.  And that’s the reason legislation is not supposed to just be introduced on the floor of Council.  I don’t know if it’s even legal to do this.  At this particular juncture.  But it wasn’t amended before hand.  You know, it was amended on the floor of Council so that people could be admonished without any evidence.  And not only without any evidence, about matters that clearly are public interest.  There’s no doubt about it.  There’s not a court in this land who won’t say that that’s a matter of public interest.  As a matter of fact, Mr. Coyne himself admitted that in the letter that he wrote, he said, this is a matter of public interest.  And you guys politically might want to discuss it.  And you might politically might want to not use our firm anymore – because his working for us – which is the right thing to do.  He shouldn’t be working for us.  He shouldn’t be working for us now with collective bargaining…”
“…I’d like to have Sara Dorn here.  And have her tell you, David, that despite your innuendos and your inferences and your emotionalism and your drama about this…”

Council President David Miller interrupts:
“…Don’t be pointing your finger at me.  Don’t you point your finger at me. “

Ed Icove:
“…I’m gonna point my finger at you…”

David Miller:
“Don’t you point your finger at me.”

Ed Icove:
“…You have not a scintilla of evidence David, and when you talk to Sara Dorn you’re gonna find out what evidence there was and what evidence there wasn’t, and you’re gonna be very very ashamed.”

David Miller:
“…Because someone disagreed with what was discussed and the attorney that we had said it was appropriate, that was enough for me.  So you can say someone’s being emotional, I didn’t stand up.  You can talk about being back-doored.  We can do a whole encyclopedia on that…”

  • time: 12 min. 31 sec.

Note:  At the end of the regular council meeting, the meeting was adjourned and council members were to assemble for executive session.  Credible eyewitness accounts report that Council President David Miller quickly left the building without attending the executive session and drove away.  It is unknown who adjourned the meeting after executive session since the Council President had left.

Please click on the following links for previous related SEOversight posts:  

Thursday, December 11, 2014


To view documents below full size, RIGHT click on document, then LEFT click on “OPEN LINK.”

    • time: 7 min. 54 sec.

    Please click on Pattern Of Abuse to see entire original post.

    • time: 6 min. 14 sec.

    Please click on SEO Update: Pattern Of Abuse to see entire original post.

    To view documents below full size, RIGHT click on document, then LEFT click on “OPEN LINK.”

    JOURNAL ENTRY 6-12-2013

    JOURNAL ENTRY 6-24-2013

      Brief of Appellant Michael Lograsso  8-9-2013 

    Saturday, August 30, 2014

    Power Struggle

    To view documents below full size, RIGHT click on document, then LEFT click on “OPEN LINK.”

    Please click on the following link 
    to read a letter to the editor entitled, 

    Below are 3 links which will display 
    the legislation referred to at
    the above link.

    Wednesday, August 20, 2014

    Pools: From Saving To Paving

    To view documents below full size, RIGHT click on document, then LEFT click on “OPEN LINK.”

    Do not miss the previous SEOversight post regarding the swimming pools at the link below:


    Please click on the following link to read a letter to the editor entitled, "Should cities lower their salaries or close swimming pools?"

    Sunday, August 10, 2014

    S.E.P.D. Calls Out City Leaders

    To view document below full size, RIGHT click on document, then LEFT click on “OPEN LINK.”

    Please click on the following link to view READER COMMENTS posted to the online version of the above article.

    Video below:  February 19, 2014 - Budget Hearings - Mayor Welo and the finance director engage in an interesting conversation regarding "debt issuance cost" of Cedar Center and the Greenvale 9.  Mayor Welo then stumbles through an amazingly poor response to Ruth Gray's question about safety force staffing levels.  Welo: "We're maintaining those same numbers." Welo also commits to a formal presentation to inform council and the public of her administration's new innovative way to provide the same level of service with less staffing, despite what was previously sold to the public in order to obtain their vote to pass the safety levy.  

    • time: 11 min. 55 sec.

    To view further information regarding the Safety Levy, please click on the following links:

    One Lie After Another

    Safety Levy Index

    Friday, February 14, 2014

    A Decade Of Excess

    Please click on the following link to view W2 wages for all City of South Euclid employees for the years 2003 - 2012.  Despite repeated claims by Mayor Georgine Welo that she is "cutting into the bone" regarding municipal finances, this compilation of W2 wages for all city employees during her administration proves the mayor's statements are untrue.  The year 2003 was included as the last year of the previous Mayor's administration prior to Georgine Welo becoming Mayor.  The names of individual employees have been removed. Individual wages are listed by department.


    Below please find a total employee W2 wage chart.
    To view document below full size, RIGHT click on document, then LEFT click on "OPEN LINK."  

    Please also refer to the previous related SEO posts:

    Administrative Salaries Must Be Cut

    2013 Budget Hearings

    2013 Budget

    United For A Better South Euclid

    Don't miss the following video pertaining to the hefty raises and administrative positions created during the Welo administration.  This video is a SEO classic.   

    • time:  7 min. 11 sec.

    Please click on the link provided to view a copy of the preliminary 2014 Budget at the City of South Euclid website.  

    2014 Budget Hearings will be held Tuesday, February 18 and Wednesday, February 19 at 5:00 p.m. in the Mayor's conference room.  Please click HERE for a link providing the notice and schedule provided at the city website.

    Saturday, February 1, 2014

    Welo’s Way Or The Highway

    To view document below, please RIGHT CLICK on image, then LEFT CLICK on "OPEN LINK."

    Please click on the following link to view 
    Reader's comments posted to the online version of the above article.

    Monday, January 13, 2014

    Conference In Hawaii

    To view image below, RIGHT click on image, then, LEFT click on "OPEN LINK."

    Please click on the following link to view the brochure from the American Judges Association 2013 Educational Conference.

    Here is a link to the American Judges Association.

    Click on the following link to view the above story presented at the website, inclusive of reader's comments.

    • time: 1 min. 0 sec.

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